Welcome to HubDot

We are community-building experts who help create meaningful connection inside teams and organisations by using the power of storytelling to bring people together in uniquely human ways.

We are passionate about delivering authentic experiences, that engage people and celebrate individuality for both our community and for corporates and brands.

Three people huddled together at an event in deep conversation smiling

Founded in 2012, HubDot has taken its event and impact all over the world. Our methods are bolstered by a growing community of over 35,000 people that we call upon to share their stories, experiences and talents when producing work for our clients to ensure that real people’s views and insights sit at the heart of what we do.



How does it work?

Discover the simple and impactful way we bring people together in our work and at our events

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Our unique methodology revolves around our five coloured dots. Each one corresponds to a different mindset, which allows us to connect people based on their individual needs and desires. It's our playful way of stripping away labels and facilitating a more focused, inclusive and engaging experience.

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Let’s make alchemy

Alchemy is that moment when people whose paths may never ordinarily cross, meet, and find that their stories intertwine. That’s a meaningful connection, through which amazing opportunities and collaborations can unfold.

Read some of our community success stories or find out what we could do for your organisation.